
Female Leader Essentials

After over a decade of teaching, mentoring and developing leaders I came to the conclusion that women are different at the workplace. The way women deal with issues, conflicts, relationships, their overthinking tendencies, giving visibility of their progress and achievement, the way they manage stress, time and their energy, all differ from a man’s approach.

I’m not saying that one way better than the other, just that they are different.

FEMALE LEADER ESSENTIALS was born to support female employees (any person who identifies as women) and to respond to their needs in order to make their life easier in the workplace, help with self-confidence issues, overcome ruminating tendencies and teach strategies on how to become happier in the workplace without being feeling constantly exhausted and pressured to succeed all the time on all fronts.

Finally, its goal is to empower and enable them to occupy seats in top management and C-level positions if that’s their ambition.

The current studies predict that we need 60 years to reach gender parity at the workplace. The Female Leader Essentials Program ambition is to reduce this extremely long timeline.

To create a long-term impact on company’s gender diversity landscape, our PROGRAM provides workshops for female employees and female leaders on the following topics:

  • Build a last long strong self-confidence to reach your career goal
  • Turn Impostor Syndrome to you benefit and never let to stop you
  • Manage Stress in a unique female way and it will never be an issue again
  • Become highly skilled and confident to handle any difficult conversations
  • Learn to manage your energy level to be proud of your own productivity
If you believe that’s what your company needs

People attended the workshops shared their feedback:

“Dora was excellent, my perception is that she knew how to capture attention very well throughout the talk and with very practical advice.
People told us that they loved that it was so useful, with tools and that there was not so much “fuss”. The truth is that it was super good and with high online participation.”

PepsiCo HR Culture & DEI: Clara Gil

“I loved every single topic to be honest, the way to handled and connected different topic with practical tools and tips to take with us.”

Senior UX researcher: Mariana Amat

“I was having a hard time to make some members of the team focus, Pandemic situation is affecting us all in one way or another, so I had to deal with people frustrated, weary, because of that. I made changes the day after of the training. I do not fell so stressed before every 1 to 1 and I feel I am more focus and surprisingly I finish almost all the 1 to 1 or meeting on time.”

Customer Protfolio Manager: Lorena Diaz

“What I most liked about the training that under covered the female power scientific and psychological part. Very interesting topics and exercises, very well prepared. I’m taking many tips to my work. The content exceeded my expectations.”

Engineering manager: Shaila Jimenez

“I had the pleasure to work with Dóra in a series of mentoring sessions and could not be more thankful for her assistance. She is a great person on both professional and personal level and provided a lot of useful tips and tricks and material for my development. She has an outstanding capability to capture individual requirements and needs and always has a perfect solution to offer for every situation. I highly recommend her services.”

Team Lead: Liz Hoppe

“The personalized sessions were tailored to my needs. I learned how to have effective 1 2 1 meetings with employees, how to handle difficult conversations and provide high-quality feedback. I was able to manage a difficult but impactful conversation with an employee. I’m very happy to attended Dora’s program”

HR Director: More Ridner

“Dora was great, nicely structured, good content, it built awareness and touched very relevant topics.”

Product design lead: Apporva Agarwal

“I liked that the focus of the training was not an ordinary leadership training, but really taking leadership from a woman’s perspective, starting from working on you, taking care of your needs and understanding how you function.”

Senior Web engineer: Gabriela Cabrera

According to Forbes 2019 MENTORING benefits an organization by improving job satisfaction and retention, and aids on the personal and professional development of the mentee. Mentees are five times more likely to advance in pay grade and five time more likely to be promoted.

My individual LEADERSHIP MENTORING PROGRAM is designed to offer a systematic and structured way to enable women reach their career goals.

Learn more about what you can get out from my leadership mentoring

From the outside LEADERSHIP seems simple and easy, but in reality, it requires plenty of different skills to be developed constantly and to acquire a deep knowledge.

It’s a never-ending learning curve and many times may be a lonely journey.

I am here to accompany you on your journey and assist you whenever you need:

  • to gain self-confidence in your current or your future leadership role
  • support to take that next leap in your career path as a female leader
  • to learn more techniques on how to handle difficult conversations such as giving bad news or negative feedback
  • guidance in complicated situations when you have issues with one of your team members or your whole team and you are not sure what is the best approach
  • advice on how to turn your negative team vibe into a positive one
  • to know what to do when your team is not performing nearly at their maximum potential because of high pressure or they´re tired, or simply because they have become laid-back
  • more ideas about what you can do to develop your team individually and as a team and create a real team bond, even remotely
  • to see the light at and of the end of the tunnel and know what to do when you are stressed, tired and unmotivated
  • a checkup, an expert’s opinion to ensure you are on the right path as a leader or about which aspects and skills you can still improve and work on (especially the how)
  • to know how to adapt to lead  your team remotely

If you feel it’s time to invest in your own professional development, contact me and I will prepare a personalised plan for you which includes:

  • Leadership Checkup: a review on your level of expertise in leadership
  • Personalised action plan:
    • The WHAT: Areas which you should work on and why
    • The HOW: Put in place concrete leadership practices and techniques and the way to improve essential skills
  • Between 3 to 5 individual mentoring online sessions (upon individual needs), where we will analyze all the issues, insecurities, curiosities you may have and find solutions in order to become a better leader and reach your career goals.